The European Demolition Association (EDA) was founded in 1978 and is the leading platform for national demolition associations and demolition related contractors and suppliers.
Main objectives:
- To look after, promote and protect the interests of the demolition industry in Europe.
- To establish and promote common European standards focused on demolition techniques and to promote the recycling of demolition debris.
- To participate in and have an impact on health and safety legislation.
- Participate in the improvement of legislation concerning the removal, disposal and recycling of demolition waste.
- Exchange information on techniques, working methods and training.
- To establish and maintain contacts with similar organisations in other parts of the world such as the USA and Asia.
Types of partners:
EDA is a grouping of international experts, representing the European demolition industry. There are two different ways to participate in the association; as a member or as a partner.
Within the member associations there are:
- National Associations
- Contractors
- Suppliers
It is possible to sign collaboration agreements with the following entities:
- Business associations: those associations, of a business nature, whose activity, objectives or aims are related to demolition.
- Professional groups: collegiate or associative groups representing professionals related, due to their activity or aims, to demolition.
- Media: specialised publications, printed or digital, related to demolition.
- Other entities: any other entity, public or private, that is interested in the aims of the association and cannot be classified in any of the previous categories, as an associate or collaborator.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the association’s secretariat.