Construction 2050 Alliance, committed to the new EU political term
In light of the upcoming European Elections, the Construction 2050 Alliance has come forward with its Call and commitment to the new European Union political term.
In the statement, the organization highlighted the importance of the construction sector in achieving the green transition. It calls for cross-stake-holder coordination, as well as an integrated EU-policy approach to improving the climate resilience in the sector.
As its first step, the Alliance remarks its commitment to establishing an annual High-Level Summit for the Building environment. With the support of the EU, it aims to invite all the relevant policymakers on the European level and analyze the evolution of the sector.
Lastly, it puts a great focus on the triangle of “people-economy-climate“, highlighting the role that the construction industry plays in it.
As the Construction 2050 Alliance puts it:
“The Construction 2050 Alliance is firm in its commitment to ensuring that the fundamental contribution made by the construction industry is recognised and supported by policymakers, with the aim of building tomorrow’s Europe today.”