Discover the Professional Program of the EDA Annual Convention 2024!


The EDA convention is always characterised by a carefully prepared professional programme, with leading players from the DDR industry (Demolition, Decontamination and Recycling), and very interesting case studies of singular projects that you won’t be able to see anywhere else.

Thus, after months of preparations, it is time to finally reveal the definitive program of the EDA Annual Convention 2024!

We’ll start our professional program on Thursday morning with a series of workshops and special case studies. They will centre around attracting talent to the industry, pre-demolition audit and digitalization, standards and regulations, and the mechanization of job sites.

On that day, the presentation of the European Circular Economy Awards 2024 will take place, with participation from three shortlisted nominees.

Lastly, we’ll celebrate our General Assembly.

The next day, we’ll be covering a range of topics of interest, such as:

  • Advanced robotics and task automation, with a speaker from EU-OSHA
  • EU Taxonomy and European Asbestos Directive, with speakers from the European Commission
  • Updates on EU Construction and Demolition Waste Protocol by RPA EUROPE
  • And many interesting case studies relates to demolition, decontamination and recycling

As you can read, the conferences will be practical and dynamic, and you can be part of them if you complete our registration form.

Don’t wait for it: register for the EDA Annual Convention 2024!
