Housing crisis: solutions from Construction 2050 Alliance


This past Tuesday, April 9th, the Construction 2050 Alliance published its open letter to address the potential solutions to the housing crisis which involves the construction sector.

As the document explains, several Member States are facing a housing crisis due to various reasons. House shortage and inaccessible rates are listed as the main ones. This heavily exacerbates the social discontent, as this problem seems to be persistent among all of Europe.

In this case, the construction sector can be a powerful solution to mitigate the issue. The European policies related to the construction and housing costs, jobs and skills in the industry and economic framework conditions for new low-carbon housing delivery, are quite important.

Thus, the Construction 2050 Alliance advocates, once again, for a forum to take stock of the evolution of the construction market and “reinforce its indispensable contribution in advancing EU’s environmental, social, and economic ambitions”.
