Working Group on Education is back in action!


Our Working Group on Education is fully back in action!

On March 20th, the group had its first online meeting, with participation from various EDA members, both companies and the National Associations. On this occasion, the working group is working on its project related to the professional development and definition of roles in the demolition, decontamination and recycling industries.

During the meeting, the participants discussed the context, necessities and future steps of the working group.

This topic will also be featured during the EDA Annual Convention 2024 as a special workshop. It will take place during the professional program on Tuesday, June 13th.

The main result of this working group will be a guide centred around the same topic. It is set to be released in late 2024.

The next meeting of the working group will take place on Wednesday, April 17th. If you would like to join it, learn how to do that here.