EDA welcomes WESSEL HYDRAULIK as its newest member


  • WESSEL HYDRAULIK joins the EDA as its newest member.

WESSEL HYDRAULIK, based in Germany, has more than 60 years of experience as a manufacturer of hydraulic valves. As of now, the company’s network of partners operates on a worldwide level.

WESSEL HYDRAULIK operates in several industries, such as construction and agricultural machinery, attachment technology, cranes, and demolition and recycling equipment. Among their products, there are load holding, flow control and pressure valves, and many others.

WESSEL HUDRAULIK aims to provide the long-lasting and high-quality solutions to its customers. Their products “demand the highest standards of quality and precision”, meeting this ever-important need of functional reliability and longevity in the construction industry.

Throughout the decades, WESSEL HYDRAULIK has obtained several certifications, with the most resent one being the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, verifying its Quality Management System.
