Conference – How to unleash the potential of C&DW as a resource?



This conference book is part of the webinar “How to unleash the potential of construction and demolition waste as a resource?” given by Mr. Anke Oberender, center manager of the Danish Knowledge Center for Circiular Economy in Construction, VCØB.

Construction and demolition waste comprises one of the largest waste streams in the EU. Building practices in the past, the use of problematic substances in construction and the lack of establishing efficient markets for high-purity and quality materials from demolition and renovation hampers the full implementation of circular economy in the sector.

+ info about the webinar

How to unleash the potential of construction and demolition waste as a resource


Practical information

Conference bookIncludes all the slides presented by the speakers
Pages33 pages
FormatOn-line: The document is available at the bottom of this page for logged in users with valid access.