EDA will officially present the End-of-life Guide at Think Tank 2022

- EDA Think Tank 2022 is a exclusive event with limited places
If you are a national association or a direct member of EDA, you should book in your agenda the October 5th.
This day in Brussels it will take place the EDA Think Tank 2022, a exclusive event only for members where the assistans will have the opportunity to attend activities with technical presentations and discussion moments. There will also be time for networking, coffees and a relaxed lunch.
But the most interesesting thing is that EDA will physically introduce the Guide about End-of-life of industrial facilities, a publication created by End-of-life of industrial facilities working group. This technical document is aimed to final customers: the owners of facilities.
The mentioned guide is already available in an online version, in fact you can consult it in this link, but you will have to wait until the Think Tank 2022 to get your hands on it!