Guidelines for the waste audits before demolition and renovation works of buildings


Construction & Demolition Waste (CDW), when measured in volume, is the largest waste stream in the EU. Even though a vast majority of CDW is recyclable, one common hurdle to recycling and re-using C&D waste in the EU is the lack of confidence in the quality of C&D recycled materials.

This guideline is aligned with European strategies for Construction sector and waste management. The guideline is aligned with the objectives of the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC which establishes a target of 70% of CDW to be recycled by 2020.

The guideline is also aligned with the Construction 2020 strategy and the Communication on Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the Building Sector. In addition, it forms part of the more recent and ambitious Circular Economy Package presented by the European Commission in 20153 that includes revised legislative proposals on waste to encourage the EU’s transition towards a circular economy. In this Circular Economy Package, Construction and Demolition Waste is identified as a key aspect and the preliminary assessment is an essential part of construction and demolition waste management.

The guideline, in which EDA has actively participated, has been published by the European Commission. and it is available in 15 languages.


This document provides guidance on best practices for the assessment of construction and demolition waste streams prior to demolition or renovation of buildings and infrastructures, called “waste audit”. The aim of the guidance is to facilitate and maximize recovery of materials and components from demolition or renovation of buildings and infrastructures for beneficial reuse and recycling, without compromising the safety measures and practices outlined in the European Demolition Protocol. This protocol states that:

  • Any demolition, renovation or construction project needs to be well planned and managed in order to reduce environmental and health impacts while providing important cost benefits.
  • Waste audits (or pre-demolition audit as defined in the European Demolition Protocol) are to be carried out before any renovation or demolition project, for any materials to be re-used or recycled, as well as for hazardous waste.
  • Public authorities should decide upon the threshold for pre-demolition audits (which is currently highly variable in the EU).
  • Waste audits take full account of local markets for C&D waste and re-used and recycled materials.
  • A good waste audit must be carried out by a qualified expert (the auditor).


  • Guidelines for the waste audits before demolition and renovation works of buildings – ENGLISH
  • Wytyczne dotyczące kontroli odpadów przed rozbiórką i renowacją budynków- POLSKIE
  • Orientações para auditorias aos resíduos antes de obras de demolição e renovação de edifícios – PORTUGUÊS
  • Richtsnoeren voor afvalaudits voorafgaand aan de sloop en renovatie van gebouwen – NEDERLANDER
  • Orientamenti per le verifiche dei rifiuti prima dei lavori di demolizione e di ristrutturazione degli edifici – ITALIANo
  • Lignes directrices relatives aux audits de déchets avant les travaux de démolition et de rénovation des bâtiments – FRANÇAIS
  • Rakennusten purku- ja kunnostustöitä edeltäviä jätehuoltotarkastuksia koskevat ohjeet – SUOMALAINEN
  • Directrices para las auditorías de residuos antes de la demolición y las obras de reforma de edificios – ESPAÑOL
  • Leitlinien für Abbruch- und Umbauarbeiten an Gebäuden vorgeschaltete Abfallaudits – DEUTSCHE
  • Насоки за извършване на одити на отпадъците преди дейности по разрушаване и реконструкция на сгради – BŬLGARSKI
  • Κατευθυντήριες γραμμές για τους ελέγχους των αποβλήτων πριν από τις εργασίες κατεδάφισης και ανακαίνισης κτιρίων – ELLINIKA
  • Smjernice za revizije otpada prije rušenja i obnove zgrada – HRVATSKI
  • Orientări privind desfășurarea auditurilor deșeurilor anterior lucrărilor de demolare și de renovare a clădirilor – ROMÂNĂ
  • Usmernenia k odpadovým auditom pred demolačnými a renovačnými prácami v budovách – SLOVENSKÝ
  • Smernice za presojo ravnanja z odpadki pred rušenjem in obnovo zgradb – SLOVENSKA