NDA participates in the EDA Yearbook 2020


The National Demolition Association (NDA) from the United States has been invited to participate in the EDA Yearbook 2020 to share the work of their association and their vision for the industry.

NDA has been involved in the demolition industry for more than 40 years and has relied on its sister organization the European Demolition Association (EDA) as a trusted ally since its inception.

They serve as the voice of the demolition industry in the United States, providing education, advocacy, and industry updates to members while increasing public awareness of the economic and societal benefits of demolition and represent nearly 500 firms from across the demolition industry.

“To say a lot has changed in 2020 would be a gross understatement. We find ourselves in a new reality.  And together we will come out the other side stronger and more determined than ever to advance the industry we love.  We have always enjoyed the relationship between our two associations and in this unprecedented time, we value our continued collaboration more than ever. Our associations have been at the cutting edge of safety, deconstruction, research, training and education”, said Mr. Christopher Godek, NDA President.

For more information about NDA, other National Associations and the state of art of the demolition, decontamination and recycling industry, don’t miss the publication of our yearbook 2020, which will be launched in autumn.
