Personal protective equipment

Workers engaged in demolition activities, as well as those handling waste and rubble, should be provided with respiratory protection equipment from dust and microorganisms in the air, in addition to basic protective clothing such as gloves, head-protection, hearing protection, eye- ware and footwear. Appropriate training in the use of personal protective equipment should be provided to all personnel involved.

Furthermore, places with the possible presence of gas or hazardous substances must be venti- lated and tested before allowing workers to enter. In case of an unexpected presence of gas, works should be stopped and workers should be removed from the hazardous zone immedi- ately. Employees working in places with a potential for gas must be provided with protective equipment (gas masks), as well as a safe entry and exit strategy. Spotters must be positioned at the entrances to confined spaces, and must be able to retrieve personnel in the event of an emergency, without having to enter the space.

Briefing for specialists

Before starting works, it is necessary to familiarize employees with the solutions provided for in the organizational and technical documentation for demolition or dismantling, and to train them on safe working methods.

Conducting labour protection briefings includes familiarizing and training employees with the ex- isting hazardous or harmful areas, studying the safe working procedures developed by the organ- ization, technical and operational documentation, as well as the use of safe methods and tech- niques for performing works. The briefing can be primary, repeated, targeted and unscheduled.

An unscheduled briefing must be conducted:

  • When introducing new or changing legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labour protection requirements, as well as for instructions on labour protection.
  • When changing technical processes and work procedures, replacing, or upgrading equipment, devices, tools, and other factors affecting labour safety.
  • In events where transgression of these procedures and methods could result in a real threat of grave consequence (a workplace accident, an emergency, etc.).
  • At the request of officials of state supervision and control bodies.
  • During extended breaks or periods in which work is suspended.
  • By the decision of the employer (or a person authorized by him/her).

Targeted briefings are carried out when performing unique works, when remedying the conse- quences of accidents, natural disasters, and works for which an authorized order, permit, or other special documents are issued.


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