Couplers for demolition and recycling


This guide aims to complete the previous EDA technical guides about attachments and carriers for demolition and recycling. It is a publication with an educational and informative purpose, which principal objective is to give a general overview of the different types of quick couplers existing in the market.

In this regard, the document presents the different types of quick couplers that can be used to engage an attachment to a carrier, their benefits and disadvantages, and the selection criteria to be taken into account when choosing them.

Moreover, a few guidelines are given on what should be taken into account when working with quick couplers, concerning the handling, safety, and maintenance, as well as the training required by operators. Additionally, the regulatory framework is introduced.


On this page, you can find the most important contents of the guide:

General concepts

Classification of Quick Couplers

Types of quick couplers attending to their locking mechanisms

Selection Criteria

Working with quick couplers


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