
After the celebration of the EDA 40th anniversary, we decided to publish our first yearbook in 2019. The publication was a great success and it was decided to maintain it as the annual magazine of the association.

Our Yearbook includes various types of content (technical and informative), updates from the National Demolition Associations, interviews, news, events, and relevant information for anyone interested in demolition.

The publication is available in two formats: on paper, with careful editing and quality materials, and in digital format.

The EDA Yearbook on paper is mailed to all the members (associations, contractors and suppliers) and partners of the association, to trade and professional organizations related to the construction sector, and is also distributed in all the events organized by EDA and in any other activity (conference, forum, exhibition,…) in which EDA takes part.

The digital version of the magazine is published at the EDA library and is available for free online consultation and download.

Current edition

EDA Yearbook 2024

Previous editions

EDA Yearbook 2023

EDA Yearbook 2022

EDA Yearbook 2021

EDA Yearbook 2020

EDA Yearbook 2019 – 40th anniversary