What would be the impact of your shut-down on the surroundings and local communities?
Demolition plans must consider the rehabilitation of areas occupied by structures and sur- face utilities, identifying possible pollutants and the negative effects they may have on human health, as well as reducing the environmental impact of materials resulting from demolition operations.
It also remains essential to establish an optimal method of recovering the degraded land and contaminated soil after demolition activities take place, as well as managing measures to control and minimize nuisances to neighbours, including the controlling of dust emissions, noise, vibration, smoke, traffic movement, and conservation of flora and fauna.
Local communities should be involved in an open dialogue with the asset owner and contractors to better know to understand the planning and the positive impact of the project for the future of the site’s surroundings: redevelopment opportunities, less heavy-vehicle traffic, job opportunities, less industrial pollution, better stormwater management, and ultimately an improved environmental footprint.
What kind of general documentation do you have to provide?
Documentation required by the authorities for demolition projects depends on national regulations or even on the type of facility. Listed below are various examples of documents and procedures that should be put in place to ensure compliance with legislation in several different related fields:
- Licence required to undertake demolition work
- Asbestos removal licences
- License for using explosives
- Water use licences
- Transport permits and licences
- Environmental authorisations
- Potential re-zoning of land-areas
- Written report from the designers
- Permissions and other licenses
- Stability Report, including the following parts:
- A report on the stability of the building to be demolished during all stages of demolition.
- In the case when powered mechanical plants or equipment is used, structural calculations for all temporary supports and bracings.
- A report on the stability of neighbouring buildings and adjoining properties
Consult the full guide here:
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