Holistic Innovative Solutions for an Efficient Recycling and Recovery of Valuable Raw Materials from Complex Construction and Demolition Waste is the complete name of this new project.

25 partners from the construction and demolition activities were present on the launch of the HISER project, including experts in software development, recycling technologies, associations, contractors and manufacturers of construction products.

There is a partner from nine different countries (Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Poland, Germany, Finland, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland) actively involved in HISER.

The main objective of HISER is to develop and demonstrate holistic, technological and other, new and (cost) effective solutions to increase recovery rates from increasingly complex Construction and Demolition Wastes (C&DW), considering principles of circular economy around the value chain in the Construction sector (since the end of the useful life of buildings to new buildings).

The project HISER received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 642085).

HISER, coordinated by TECNALIA Foundation, had the project launch meeting, on February 2-4 in Spain.

The following solutions have been proposed:

  • Harmonized procedures, supplemented by an intelligent tool and systems for traceability of the supply chain, for highly-efficient sorting at source in demolition and refurbishment works.
  • Advanced sorting and recycling technologies with automated quality control for the production of high purity raw materials from complex C&DW.
  • Development of optimized construction products (such as low embodied energy cement, green concretes, bricks, gypsum plasters, and gypsum plasterboards or extruded composites).

These solutions will be demonstrated in demolition projects and 5 case studies across Europe.

Moreover, the economic and environmental impact of HISER solutions will be quantified from a viewpoint of the lifecycle (LCA / LCCA), and recommendations for European standardization policies and standards for the implementation of the best solutions will be proposed.
