EDA Think Tank 2024: “C&D Waste Management Protocol and Audits before demolition & renovation works”



This year marks the return of a very special occasion: the celebration of EDA Think Tank 2024!

After our last Think Tank in 2022, which took place online, the EDA has decided to return to a face-to-face format. Thus, we will be meeting you in Brussels, Belgium, on October 9th.

On this occasion, EDA Think Tank 2024 be tackling two main topics: C&D Waste Management Protocol and Guidance, and Audits before demolition & renovation works.

This event is specifically designed to share ideas and best practices in the industry. Therefore, the goal of this event is to foster direct communication between stakeholders, create a debate and share experiences, common challenges, risks and possible solutions related to those topics.

The Think Tank was divided into 2 sessions, with roundtable discussions among contractors, engineering companies and asset owners. Its main distinction from other events is the close contact and direct interaction with the attendees.

Learn more about its previous editions here.


General themes of EDA’s Think Tank 2024

  • Presentation of the EU Construction and Demolition Waste Management Protocol and Guidance
  • How to build a collaborative framework between all parties involved in the process for more efficient waste management protocol & audits before demolition & renovation works?
  • Which are the strategies for integrating circular economy principles into construction projects?
  • Best practices in audits before demolition & renovation works in Europe
  • What could be the impact of new technologies applied to C&D Waste Management Protocol and Guidelines?

The think tank will be held in English only.


8:30 – Reception and accreditation of the participants

Debate session 1: New C&D Waste Management Protocol – To discuss current practices, challenges, and innovations in C&D waste management. Future initiatives and next steps

Presentation of the EU Updated C&D Waste Management Protocol and Guidance by Mr. Florian Flacheneker & Mr. Philippe Moseley, European Commission


  • What are the current Practices in C&D Waste Management in different countries around Europe?
  • What are the common obstacles the EU is trying to solve with the protocol update? And how is this helping the industry? What were the most important challenges during the revision of the protocol?
  • Will there be any innovations and Technological Advancements in the industry with this new protocol?
  • Circular Economy in Construction: Examples of how recycling and reuse can be maximized on construction sites.


Coffee Break & networking 

Debate session 2: Guidance for resource audits before demolition and renovation works – To discuss best practices, challenges, and solutions in conducting pre-demolition audits. Future initiatives and next steps

Presentation about best practices in audits before demolition & renovation works in Europe by Mr. Johan D’Hooghe, TRACIMAT


  • What are the most important steps and procedures of conducting a thorough audit before demolition and renovation works.
  • What are the most common challenges and solutions during demolition and renovation work audits? Are there any regulatory and safety challenges?
  • Will there be any innovations, new tools or technologies in audits before demolition and renovation work? How can these processes be automated?
  • Are there any environmental and safety Considerations for audits before demolition and renovation work?


13:00 – Closing Remarks by EDA’s president, Stefano Panseri

Lunch & networking


On this occasion, EDA Think Tank 2024 will be held in the following locations:


Av. des Arts 20
1000 Brussels (BELGIUM)
Tel.: (+32) 254 556 00