Netherlands opens up to the public


On 22 September 2018, in Netherlands, trade association VERAS organized Demolition Day: a day on which VERAS members opened up their demolition and asbestos removal sites to the public.

It was an original event because demolition professional and even families saw machines working close up and they learned how is the daily job in these enterprises. They also wanted to demonstrate the special role of the demolition contractor as a supplier of raw materials for the circular economy.

On Demolition Day, the association wanted to show how proud they are of their profession. Also, they wanted to draw attention to the different positions and career opportunities in the demolition trade and in asbestos removal.

VERAS is the trade association for demolition contractors and asbestos removal companies in the Netherlands. With 100 members and more than 20 donors, they represent an important segment of the demolition and asbestos removal branch.
