Approach the Serbian Demolition Association



  • This article was originally written by Mr. Dejan Bojovic, president of SDA, and it’s included on the EDA Yearbook 2020.

In addition to demolition, there are also waste-generating jobs such as adaptations, renovations, reconstructions, remediation, maintenance, excavation, and, soil remediation.

Given that this area is not legally defined, while the operations are carried out of control (in unregulated conditions) and it requires a qualification structure which in our conditions do not exist, it is necessary to do additional training of such personnel in the whole system, entities and institutions responsible for this area.

The Serbian Demolition Association is an official member of the EDA-European Demolition Association and is positioned as a center for Southeast Europe, as is in the EDI-European Decontamination Institute, whose members are the national associations of the most developed EU member states.

As part of promoting the principles of this industry in the framework of demolition, decontamination, and recycling, the SDA has signed Agreements with:

Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia-AINS

Chamber of Commerce of the Construction Industry of Serbia-PKGIS

The principal law for this type of activity should be the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction, which should be followed by laws in the field of environmental protection, as well as laws in the field of labor relations.

The demolition project itself should be given a legal framework.  The reasons are obtaining new recycled materials and of course in terms of protecting the environment from the impact of construction. Bearing in mind that these types of occupations do not exist in the nomenclature, the importance of additional education of already existing staff, and the creation of new ones can be seen. Special attention should be paid to the materials obtained from demolition, and protocols on how they are used and disposed of should be kept on each material for recycling and waste.

We are especially pleased to note that we have organized three international conferences in our country, in Belgrade, with the topics “Demolition Industry”, “Demolition and (or) sustainable solution”, “Today for tomorrow”.

The previous year was successful because we established a working body at the Institute for Standardization of Serbia in the field of “Circular Economy in Construction”,  we had representatives in the working group at the Ministry of Environmental Protection, to draft a rulebook for asbestos-containing waste

The Serbian demolition association, together with AINS and GKGIS, is doing it’s best to include this forgotten economic branch in the amendments to the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction. This area and scope of work of the new industry would initiate the development of the Serbian economy and new industries in the future.
