EDA reinforces its working group strategy



  • The European Demolition Association (EDA) adds two new working groups to its strategy for 2021.

The European Demolition Association (EDA) continues to expand its working group strategy in the run-up to 2021. In addition to maintaining active ones such as Carriers and Attachments, EDA is launching two new ones.

On the one hand, the working group on End-Of-Life Industrial Facilities will start up next March. This group will work throughout the year, sharing knowledge and experiences and unifying the voices of the industry on this topic.

On the other hand, we have the working group on Couplers, which will start up next April. The objective of this group is to generate a publication about Couplers in Demolition and Recycling Industry, thus closing the trilogy of guides, after the ones about Attachments and Carriers (both publications will be launched in the upcoming months).

This expansion of EDA’s working group strategy is a further sign of the association’s ongoing activity, always in pursuit of further professionalization of the demolition sector.

To know more about EDA’S working group, contact us here.