Pre-demolition audit: who does it?



According to the European Demolition Industry Report 2015, in 2014, the pre-demolition audit for waste management was done by the demolition contractor 63% of the times, which a remarkable percentage worth taking into consideration.

On the other hand, 18% of the times, an external/independent expert did it.

Finally, 14% of the times, the planning/engineering company did it.

Important is the factor which signals that 5% of the times, nobody did the pre-demolition audit in demolition jobs.


European Demolition Industry Report 2016

EDA currently works in a new edition of this report, where the contractors related with the European industry can participate answering the two phases of the study.

In order to thank participants for the time spent answering the questionnaire, EDA would provide those who answer the survey with a 20% discount (for the first phase) and a 30% discount (for the second phase) on the Conference ticket of the EDA Annual Convention that will be held on June 9th – 11th, 2016 in Glasgow, Scotland, (UK).

The two discounts provided will be accumulated.

The survey has been translated to 13 languages to avoid mistakes and misinterpretations, which means the important European character of the Demolition Industry report has got.

All responses to the questions are anonymous, no identification data of the company is asked, and an overall analysis of the data will be made.

