What are the site requirements for working with these atttachments?

There exist a wide variety of jobsites in demolition and recycling works, each of them with its particular conditions, which will favour or, on the contrary, will worsen the stability of the machines used in them for the performance of the work.

In any case, it must be taken into account that the stability of a carrier may be significantly altered when an attachment is fitted.

For this reason, it is especially important to keep the work area of the machine clean and free of obstacles, to try to favour its stability as much as possible, thus avoiding accidents.

In this regard, during the performance of the work, everyone has to pay attention to the possible hazards that might appear and try to avoid them in the best way as possible. Nobody should attempt to operate or work with or on an attachment until they are sure that the situation is under control and that all others around will remain safe.

Furthermore, in certain working environments, a trained and competent banks man may be required for safety and operational reasons. The banksman should never be allowed inside the machine’s
exclusion zone while work is in progress. Where possible two-way radio communications may be required between the banksman, machine operator and site supervisor to maintain the safe operation of the machine and site.

How should the attachments be used?

Demolition and recycling attachments should only be used in the manner for which it was manufactured and should never be used as a bludgeon to break or weaken a structure or to push or pull.

Otherwise, not only the attachment and the machine could be damaged, but people in nearby could be injured.

Moreover, all the equipment used must be managed according to the working methods formulated for the specific demolition or recycling job taking place. These methods must be intended to allow that the work can be carried out in a safe, efficient and cost-effective manner, and the detail within them must be agreed as accurate, relevant and achievable and be adhered to by all stakeholders.

The work method should always ensure that neither the attachment nor the machine are overloaded in any way, such as heavy side loading on to the attachment, which can overcome the rotating facility if fitted.

The stablish working methods must be explained to the operators before starting any job and, if the operator of an attachment has any concerns or misgivings to the intended methodology and use of his equipment, he must bring such thoughts to the immediate attention of his site supervisor immediately.

During the job, the operator should be aware at all times of the movement and operation of the attachment and of the progress of the demolition by:

  • direct vision
  • the use of a CCTV system
  • information provided by a signaller
  • a combination of any of these

Furthermore, it is important to point out that all mechanical equipment can be hazardous if operated without due care or correct maintenance.


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