How much would an immediate deactivation and closure cost?

Demolition works are measured and budgeted in different ways, depending on the task at hand. A total closure of a facility vs the partial demolition of a structure will be approached very differently, and is directly related to the difficulty and level of precision required to undertake the work.

Generally, the demolition of surface elements (floors, slabs, and even simple buildings) can be quantified in surface are (m2), whereas larger, homogonous elements (foundations, large plinths, dams, vessels, etc) can be quantified in terms of volume. (m3)

For more complex structures, engineering calculations can be used to determine weights (tonnes / kg) or even unit rates. (Lump sums, kg/m2, etc.)

It is recommended to group the budget items according to the following elements to facilitate the preparation of the budget:

  • Preliminary works
  • Fee for the demolition work permit
  • Mobilization and site preparation
  • Decontamination
  • Demolition activities
  • Logistical activities
  • Waste management
  • Workforce
  • Consultant expenses
  • Soil treatment
  • Industrial supply costs
  • Potential Indirect costs: Permits, permissions, licenses, engineering studies, material han- dling, timeframe requirements, safe disposal costs, etc.

What kind of materials/wastes do you have in your facility and how must they be handled?

A waste and material audit before demolition activities start is a specific task within the project planning lifecycle.

It is crucial to understand the type and number of elements and materials that are stored in the facility, in order to issue recommendations on their further handling.

More recently, this activity is increasingly important and integrated into “normal” demolition planning, with more than 90% of materials resulting from demolition being recycled.

The waste and material assessment should also consider any relevant legislation such as the requirements for environmental permits, identifying wastes to be used on-site, or any waste that may be hazardous and which needs to be managed following specialized waste legislation.

The materials audit should include at least the type of materials to be classified (inert waste, non-inert, non-hazardous waste, and hazardous waste) and the quantification in tonnes, cubic meters and other relevant units of measurement.

Nearly all building materials have the potential for reuse following their initial useful life: wood, concrete, steel, insulation materials, oil mixtures, brick, asphalt roof shingles, glass, carpets, plastics, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, etc. When considering reuse of materials, the condition and accessibility will also need to be considered to assess whether the value of the material justifies the effort taken to remove it from the building.

An environmental assessment should be undertaken in order to identify hazardous materials such as: asbestos, lead-based paint, underground fuel storage tanks, electrical trans- formers or their components containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), mercury, cadmium, PVC, CFC in old insulation, metallic scrap, refractory bricks, batteries with lead, asphalt, fuel oil and diesel, fluorescent lamps, etc.

Eventual removal of hazardous materials should be done by suitably qualified professionals, oftentimes while the facility is in operation, providing safe access, and preventing cross-con- tamination to the rest of the working environment.

The assessment of hazardous material handling should consider the following stages:

  • Waste identification
  • Source separation
  • Collection
  • Waste logistics
  • Waste processing
  • Quality management
  • Appropriate policy and frameworks conditions


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