The main labour protection requirements during industrial Demolition
Disassembly (or demolition) of buildings must be carried out based on decisions provided for in the organizational and technological documentation for the planning and sequencing of works. These decisions should be made after an assessment of the general condition of the structure. According to the results of the survey, a report is drawn up, to inform decisions such as:
- Choosing the appropriate method of disassembly (demolition).
- Establishing the sequence of works that eliminates or mitigates the risk of unforeseen or unplanned collapse of structures.
- Identification and securing of dedicated hazardous zones
- Temporary or permanent fixing or strengthening the structures of the disassembled building in order to prevent unforeseen collapse of the structures.
- Dust suppression measures during the demolition of structures.
- Safety measures when working at heights.
- Identification and development of rigging and lifting studies
High safety standards should be established on-site the health and safety of all persons both for direct workers and those who could be affected indirectly. Find below some examples of security measures to put in place:
- Works on industrial demolition can only start after disconnecting the facility from the water supply, heat supply, gas and electricity supply networks, sewerage, industrial product pipelines, and taking measures against their damage.
- When disassembling (demolishing) buildings by mechanized methods, it is necessary to estab- lish hazardous zones, and to ensure that people and machines are unable to accidentally and inadvertently enter these zones. Works can only start after the construction site is fenced and exclusion zones are identified, established, and communicated.
- The driver’s cab must be protected from possible ingress of broken-off particles, and workers must be provided with personal protective equipment.
- Demolition of structures must be carried out sequentially from top to bottom, wherever possi- ble. It is generally forbidden to disassemble buildings simultaneously in several tiers along the same vertical. Demolition works are to be planned so that there is always safe passage to, and from, the workplace.
- When working at heights, employees must be suitably equipped with fall-arrest mechanisms, safety harnesses, and a carefully developed demolition sequence, always ensuring that person- nel are separated from risk.
- Environmental factors must be considered, and appropriate safe-limits determined. (Eg. Wind- speeds, poor visibility due to rain, wet working conditions, fog, ice, lighting, etc.).
- When disassembling buildings, it is necessary to prevent the spontaneous collapse or fall of structures. Unstable structures located in the work area should be removed, fixed, or reinforced according to the organizational and technical documentation.
- Careful consideration must be given to the demolition of tall, slender structures. (Eg chimneys, stacks, pillars, piers, etc.)
- There are established safety rules for each method of Demolition that must be observed
Materials obtained from the disassembly (demolition) of buildings, as well as construction debris, must be transferred to ground using enclosed closed boxes, containers, chutes, or dedicated and evacuated drop-zones.
- Wherever possible, the use of remote-controlled machines and equipment is advised and promoted. (Eg. In case of gas contamination, high temperatures, in a confined space, underground, and at excessive heights)
Consult the full guide here:
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