What kind of specialist contractor should you consider as a partner?

A major step for the asset owner in the demolition process is choosing the right contractor, a key element that can mean the difference between success and failure on an end-of-life demolition project.

All demolition activities should be carefully planned and carried out by competent and professional contractors. The relation with the demolition company goes beyond a normal commercial relation- ship: This partnership should span the full scope of works, from planning, to execution, to close-out.

Asset owners should consider partnering with full-service providers with proven experience in professional solutions. These contractors should have the resources and experience necessary to face all challenges and intricacies associated with the execution of complex projects, whilst meeting the client´s objectives and expectations.

Here are some mandatory and recommended requirements that asset owners should have in mind:



Proven experience (more than 5 years)Proven experience (more than 10 years)
Financial stabilityFull-Service Provider
Knowledge of local legislationLocal contractors
Access to specialized machineryOwned specialised machinery
Skilled and experienced personnelFull-time / long-service skilled personnel

What type of assessments should be done in your facility after an emergency?

After a major unforeseen event, Industrial facilities require thorough, site-specific assess- ments based on the existing infrastructure, operational history, surroundings, obligations and asset-owner requirements, before commencement of any demolition activities. This kind of survey normally takes place way in advance of the end of operation of the facility, but in case of unexpected disaster, may need to be accelerated. In these circumstances, detailed interim assessments are required to enable demolition and making-safe activities.

These assessments, performed by qualified and competent contractors, can provide a more accurate understanding of the accelerated requirements, and should include:

  • Engineering survey of the structures to determine the condition of the structures
  • List of hazardous identified materials: lead, asbestos, harmful chemicals, radioactive materials, flammables, explosives, carcinogenic, toxic substances
  • Possible products to reuse / salvage / recover
  • Potential environmental hazards
  • Evaluation of floor loading to support the mechanical equipment of the contractor
  • Physical hazards: falls, excavations, confined spaces
  • Licensing requirements regarding specific materials
  • Plans to eliminate or minimize the impact of identified risks
  • Strategies and plans for the demolition activities

All this information must be included in a written document, and continually updated during the project as new risks are identified.

A Demolition Plan prepared in advance for the end-of-life of the industrial facility is an ex- tremely useful document at this point, as it provides guidance on managing the previously identified risks and includes detailed inventories and previous incident records.


Consult the full guide here:

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