What should you consider during the implementation?
The customer should decide on the appropriate resources to undertake the works:
- Implementation carried out by internal stakeholders:
- Advantage: Internal company resources know the technology and bottlenecks in the current production.
- Disadvantage: Internal resources most likely do not have the qualifications nor experience for implementing large-scale, complex integrated projects involving demolition and dismantling.
- Implementation carried out by a specialist contractor:
- Advantages: Typically has extensive experience in performing similar work in the field of decommissioning and who, on the basis of the customer’s specialists, will create an implementation team.
In any event, the timing of implementation and the final financial investment for the decommissioning of the facility will depend on the selection of a wholly competent and well-rounded project team.
It´s important to highlight that all these activities should be monitored on-site by independent persons, ensuring that all the requirements of the project are being met.
Some actions may reduce project costs, such as the installation of temporary power supply, cancellation of existing contracts for service supplies, a connection of the domestic effluent system to the public sewage, or installation of remote video surveillance systems to avoid theft of high-value materials generated by demolition activities.
What should you consider after demolition activities?
After the demolition of the facility takes place, the site must be left in a safe and secure con- dition. Below are some general tips that should be considered at this point of the demolition project:
- Cleaning of the stormwater system to ensure that is operative
- Earthworks to fill all pits, trenches, voids, or sumps
- Check boundary walls to ensure they remain stable
- Recycling of resulting materials as appropriate
- Identification and implementation of soil remediation measures.
- Decontamination of underground water if appropriate.
- Bury all foundations concrete if permitted.
- Documentation of the process: documents for waste disposal, results of surveys after dismantling in contaminated areas, and other reporting documentation.
All these activities aim to reduce the impact of the demolition of activities through a set of commitments that ensure landscape recovery and compliance with all regulatory final closure conditions.
To complete the process, a final report must be prepared including results of the demolition process, evaluations of the methodology, lessons learned, findings, conclusions, and recommen- dations.
Consult the full guide here:
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