What would be the priorities for the decommissioning and closure of your facility?

Before the demolition contractor can start working on-site, the Crisis Management Team must ensure the facility is under control and no additional damages, like prevention of premature collapse of any portion of the structure, are expected. A risk assessment must be done on-site, and should include the identification of possible hazardous substances. The health and safety of all personnel involved in the demolition project – both internal workers, contractor’s personnel, and public – is the main priority to be considered.

At this point, it is important to note that demolition contractors not only work on the decom- missioning phase, but have wide experience and knowledge in the evaluation, treatment, and removal of hazardous substances. As long as these elements are not independent but inter- connected, a full-service provider has a more comprehensive and complete understanding of the whole demolition process, which is invaluable to asset owners when implementing future planning.

Once the access to the facility is clear and secure, exclusion zones are established and primary risks identified, the contractor can start with the demolition activities with consideration of the following factors:

  • Environmental protection
  • Decontamination
  • Repurposing
  • Demolition itself
  • On-site and off-site recycling
  • Remediation of contaminated soil

What is a framework contract for immediate response?

In case of an emergency, it is particularly important for an asset owner to ensure a quick re- sponse through agreements and framework contracts for immediate response with demolition contractors. This kind of document establishes several essential items such as procurement needs or service level agreements.

Due to the high level of complexity of demolition projects, asset owners should include the emergency plan into this agreement, complete with emergency contact details, as well as any information re the contractor/s expected to occupy the space. As is expected, it is always pref- erable to have a draft agreement in place prior to an emergency.

When designing a framework contract, numerous factors should be considered by the asset owner:

  • Services that could be impacted
  • Contractual obligations and rights of both parts
  • Timescales and deadlines
  • Schedules of rates for plant and equipment
  • Reporting structures
  • Responsibility matrix
  • HSE Lead
  • Commercial terms


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