How should the job site and operation areas be organized?

The use of high reach machines on site requires a specific site organisation that ensures that the area is secure and in the desired conditions, which must be maintained at all times for the safe development of demolition activities. The site organisation must take into account the following aspects:

  • Provide pathways and accesses allowing safe loading and unloading of the machinery along with reassembling and general maintenance on site.
  • The operation area for the machine must be sufficiently spacious to provide the correct relation between building height and the distance of the machine.
  • If it is necessary to build platforms and access ramps, ensure that adequate space is available.
  • A parking place for the machine must be provided, where is it safe to lower the arm to the ground in order to attach the tool.
  • When surveying the site and operational areas, take into account that physical obstacles and utilities must be safeguarded (e.g. overhead power lines, other buildings which are not subject to demolition, sewages, gas lines, etc.).
  • Exclusion zones and safe zones must be settled up. Their extent should be varied according to the type of demolition activity and the rate of progress. Exclusion zones should be designed with a number of constituents in place, i.e. the structure’s height and construction, the surrounding topography and environment, the predicted debris area and the potential for ‘fly’ material, etc. On constricted sites containment measures, such as barriers, scaffolding, bunds and pits, etc., may be incorporated to enable the predicted debris area size to be reduced.
  • The need for protective, environmental and debris enclosures should be assessed. These could take many forms and may include reinforced plastic sheeting, debris netting or even temporary structures. Further examples include but are not limited to: scaffolds, scaffold screens, crane-hung, screens or container bunding.
  • When setting up for work it is important to consider the predicted debris area, particularly when applying a sloping face on the building being taken down. A bund formed out of soil/ hardcore to reduce splash back of falling debris toward UHR Rig.
  • Throughout the demolition, materials arising must be progressively cleared to ensure the work area around the base machine is kept clear and tidy.


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